• Introducing
    Snow Flakes

    More than just solutions. Flakes are a scalable dedicated
    IT solutions designed according to your needs.
  • Create
    an impact

    Design and develop a powerful campaign for your product or service and create an impact. Make your brand create an impact.
  • Optimize
    and Market

    An effective social strategy can help you grow your business,
    maintain your social presence and engage with the audience.

How we work

We grow as fast as you do.

01. Understanding Idea

Getting a bird's-eye view of every pertinent detail about your work in order to equip ourselves with enough information about your requirements.

02. Create Prototype

Creating prototypes giving a realistic view of the actual product will allow you to know if it's familiar with your idea and if it's addressing the real need.

03. Launch!

Nothing beats the excitement that comes with launching the products which elate your clients.

About us

About Us

Making brands, creating value through innovation and deliver.

Complex made simple

We are passionate about creativity. We have always focussed on innovations coupled with creativity which does not hapen overnight. Therefore, we believe in teamwork, empowerment and collective actions with respect to our staff which ensures we build trust through customer satisfaction.



Do more with your business


We create apps that stand out in the crowd and streamline your business.


Standardize protocol, streamline business operations and make it seamless by APIs.


Your email, @yourdomain.com or whatever you need for your brand. Explore our Email Services.

Happy Clients

+91 8448 67 1727